Faq page

We serve food, harmony, & laughter since 1998

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General information

What are your operating hours?

What are your operating hours?

What are your operating hours?

How can I contact the restaurant?

How can I contact the restaurant?

How can I contact the restaurant?

Do you offer vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options?

Do you offer vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options?

Do you offer vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options?

Do you have outdoor seating?

Do you have outdoor seating?

Do you have outdoor seating?

Reservations & seating

Can I customize my order?

Can I customize my order?

Can I customize my order?

Do you accept walk-ins?

Do you accept walk-ins?

Do you accept walk-ins?

Are you wheelchair accessible?

Are you wheelchair accessible?

Are you wheelchair accessible?

Do you have free Wi-Fi for customers?

Do you have free Wi-Fi for customers?

Do you have free Wi-Fi for customers?

Menu & food options

What’s the maximum group size for reservations?

What’s the maximum group size for reservations?

What’s the maximum group size for reservations?

Do you accommodate dietary restrictions or allergies?

Do you accommodate dietary restrictions or allergies?

Do you accommodate dietary restrictions or allergies?

Can I book the restaurant for private events?

Can I book the restaurant for private events?

Can I book the restaurant for private events?

Do you have a kids’ menu?

Do you have a kids’ menu?

Do you have a kids’ menu?

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